Fertility healthcare is core to Ascent Acupuncture from puberty to menopause, and specifically for couples when thinking about conceiving. I have continued my ongoing study for over a decade in this field, in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and understanding the current Western Medical Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Acupuncture and TCM have been shown to have positive benefits in men's and women's fertility health, whether trying to conceive naturally,[1] or using Assisted Reproductive Technologies.[2] Research is promising and shows acupuncture can be beneficial to:
- regulate hormones
- support ovulation
- increase blood flow to the uterus and improve uterine lining
- improve sperm quality and function[3]
- lower stress hormones[4]
Ideally the basis of TCM is to strengthen your body for 2-3 cycles or possibly more, before trying to conceive for optimum pregnancy and baby health.
During pregnancy acupuncture is shown to be a safe,[5] effective and drug-free approach to assist with conditions that can arise such as morning sickness,[6] hip, back and pelvic girdle pain,[7] reflux, high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia. It has also been shown to be a positive therapy in assisting the turning of breech and posterior position babies[8] .
Pre-birth Treatments
From week 36/37 acupuncture can be utilized to prepare the mother and her body for labour. Research has shown acupuncture at this time can influence cervical ripening and thus
possibly reduce the rates of postdate inductions[9], as well as reducing the possible need for medical interventions, hence assisting women to have normal vaginal births[10]. Acupressure points used during labour are very successful aids for natural pain relief and other requirements. I am happy to teach a woman's support people these techniques.
After the birth physical and emotional symptoms may be compounded due to the birth and huge changes in the couple’s life. At this time acupuncture may address the acute physical issues, assist with breast health for breastfeeding, strengthen the mother’s energy and assist in the emotional transition of being a parent.
Mild to severe postnatal depression is common and very valid. Along with acupuncture it is important you talk to someone such as your GP or Maternal Health Services.
I regularly do talks at antenatal groups on how TCM, acupuncture and acupressure can assist at this wonderful time. If your group is interested in this service, please contact me.
1 Huang D.M et al (2011) "Acupuncture for Infertility: Is it an effective therapy?" Chinese Journal Intergr. Med. 17 (5): 386-395
Stener-Victorin E. (2006) "Use of acupuncture in female infertility and a summary of recent acupuncture studies related to embryo transfer." Acupuncture Med. 24 (4): 157-163
2 Dieterle S. et al (2006) "Effect of acupuncture on the outcome of IVF and ICSI: A randomized prospective, controlled clinical study." Fertility and Sterility; 85(5): 1347-51
Hullender Rubin et al (2015) "Impact of whole systems TCM on IVF outcomes". Reproductive Biomedicine Online 30(6) 602-612
3 Isobe T (2014) "Improvement in mechanical energy of sperm with acupuncture" Austin Journal Urology 1:1-14
4 Smtih CA et al (2011) "The effect of acupuncture on psychosocial outcomes for women experiencing fertility: a pilot randomized controlled trial". Journal Altern. Complement. Med. 17(10): 923-930
5 Smith C et al (2002) "Pregnancy outcomes following women's participation in a randomized controlled trial of acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy". Complement. Therapy Medicine 10(2):78-83
6 Smtih C et al (2002) " Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: A randomized controlled trial". Birth 29(1):1-9
7 Elden et al (2005) " Effects of acupuncture and stabilizing exercises as adjunct to standard treatment in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain: A randomized single blind, controlled trial". BMJ 330(7494):761
8 Cardini F et al (1998) "Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 280:1580-1584
Vas J et al (2013) "using moxibustion in primary healthcare to correct non-vertex presentation: A multicare randomized controlled trial". Acupuncture in Medicine 31(1): 31-38
9 Rabl M et al (2001) "Acupuncture for cervical ripening and induction of labour at term: A randomized controlled trial". Wien Klin Wochenschr 113(23-24):942-6
10 Betts D, Lenox S (2006) "Acupuncture for pre-birth treatment: An observational study of its use in midwifery practice". Medical Acupuncture. May 17(3): 17-20